
Do you love the game Wordle? If you just can’t get enough, I have the perfect solution! Give your best shot. Best thing about this is, there shouldn’t be anyone posting the answers on the internet so it makes it a bit harder to cheat. Plus I am hosting it myself so that makes it cooler.

If you would like to host it for yourself the Docker image is here. There is a lot of documentation out there on how to start it but I promise it is E Z P Z.

Step 1. Create yourself a docker-compose.yaml file with the text below.

version: "2.4"


image: modem7/wordle:latest
container_name: Bradle
- 8080:8080

Step 4. Run the command "docker-compose up -d

Step 3. Navigate to the IP of the machine you are hosting the container on like this

Step 4. Enjoy!

Note: There are some pre-requisites to running docker and docker-compose. You can install those here. Docker Install. Docker-Compose Install.

And remember if you run into any issues its just for fun

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